Marturia Moody
2 min readJun 25, 2021


Anytime that I’ve ever tried something new, been a part of something new, been interested in something new, I always felt like I had to know enough to have " arrived", for it to be of any use to me and for me to be of any use to others.

But that’s the thing right That’s why we engage in a new groups, new ideas to constantly be expanding ourselves. We can be in an infancy stage it’s okay. Everyone is an infancy stage for things that they do in their lives, it doesn’t mean that that is what is defining us it is for that specific topic we may be just learning about it.

Or maybe having some knowledge of it but just learning how to apply it to our lives.

I could never understand that concept until recently when I started learning about frequencies. Energy.

And not just so much learning about it, but learning how my existence and this world is perpetrated through energy. And understanding that the emotional aspect of my person is subjected to the frequencies in my life whether I choose to believe it or not.

Now I’m at the stage where I want to learn how to believe it through faith. Because I cannot come into the understanding the intellectual understanding of how it works... I just know that it does I know that I know that I know that it does.

So knowing that it does but not understanding it I need to figure out how to walk with faith.

I think this is something that we all struggle with. This could very well be the first topic I have ever experienced in walking by faith and not understanding and being aware that I am someone who does not like to make a choice or take a responsibility for a choice... I would rather point and blame someone else rather than take the responsibility.

What do I want?

To learn how to:

  1. Make a choice, and follow through confidently in that decision.
  2. Recognize and experience walking through faith without an intellectual understanding of what I’m doing.
  3. Being successful in the positive shift of my manifested reality.



Marturia Moody

Love life. Free thinker. Earnest seeker of Truth. Diligent and Ambitious. Determined and Resolute. Expecting to cross paths with like-minded individuals.